Millennials Face Financial Struggles and Environmental Concerns

4 min read

The Millennial Generation: A Complex and Dynamic Force in Modern Society, or so they say!

As the world keeps on changin’, it’s, like, super important to understand what’s up with millennials, right? Born between, uh, 1981 and 1996, I think? Millennials are a crazy diverse bunch, totally shapin’ the world, even if they don’t always realize it. This here article dives into the facts and stuff about millennials – their money, jobs, health, tech obsession, and all that jazz. Honestly, it’s a wild ride.

Financial Stability: A Total Mess, Maybe?

Money stuff is, like, a huge deal for millennials. I mean, seriously, the debt is crazy! Some report said the median debt-to-income ratio is 1.27 – way higher than the baby boomers, which is, like, totally unfair. It’s a struggle, you know? But hey, a lot of us went to college – 70%, but only 34% actually finished with a degree. Go figure! Education is key, but so is knowing how to manage your money, which is something they don’t really teach you in school. Ugh.

Fact Percentage
Median debt-to-income ratio for millennials 1.27 (Seriously?!)
Percentage of millennials with some college education 70% (But did they graduate?!)
Percentage of millennials with a bachelor’s degree or higher 34% (That’s depressing)

Workforce and Employment: Always Job Hunting

The job market is nuts, and millennials are right in the thick of it. Unemployment’s low-ish for us, 3.4%, better than the boomers (3.6%), but 43% of us are always lookin’ for a new gig! It’s not that we’re ungrateful, it’s just… we want better, you know? More flexibility, better pay, a boss who isn’t a total jerk. Is that too much to ask?

Fact Percentage
Unemployment rate for millennials 3.4% (For now…)
Unemployment rate for baby boomers 3.6% (They’re clinging on!)
Percentage of millennials actively looking for a new job 43% (It’s a constant hustle)

Health and Wellness: Stress, Anxiety, and Avocado Toast

We’re all about self-care, but let’s be real, anxiety and depression are real things, and we’re dealing with it more than previous generations. Like, 64% of us are stressed – more than the boomers! It’s exhausting trying to keep up with everything. But hey, at least we’re eating all that avocado toast, right? Maybe that helps?

Fact Percentage
Percentage of millennials experiencing anxiety and depression 20% (At least)
Percentage of millennials reporting stress 64% (It’s a lot!)

Technology and Social Media: We’re Addicted, Okay?

We’re digital natives, duh. Almost everyone has a smartphone (95%), and we’re constantly on social media (70% daily). It’s our life, whether we like it or not. It’s how we connect, how we get our news, how we procrastinate… It’s complicated.

Fact Percentage
Percentage of millennials with a smartphone 95% (Shocking, I know)
Percentage of millennials using social media daily 70% (Help me)

Demographics and Diversity: A More Colorful Generation

We’re the most diverse generation ever, with 37% identifying as non-white. And a huge percentage (60%) identify as LGBTQ+. It’s about time, right? Progress! Although, some of those numbers seem a little… high? Maybe? I dunno.

Fact Percentage
Percentage of millennials identifying as non-white 37% (And proud!)
Percentage of millennials identifying as LGBTQ+ 60% (Wow!)


Millennials are a complicated bunch, but we’re also pretty awesome. We’re changing the world, one avocado toast and Instagram post at a time. Deal with it.


Q: What is the median debt-to-income ratio for millennials?
A: It’s 1.27, which is, like, way too high.

Q: What percentage of millennials have some college education?
A: 70%, but a lot of us didn’t finish.

Q: What is the unemployment rate for millennials?
A: 3.4%, but half of us are still job hunting.

Q: What percentage of millennials identify as LGBTQ+?
A: 60%, apparently.

Q: What is the percentage of millennials who prioritize environmental issues?
A: A whole bunch, I’d guess. Probably around 70%. We care, okay?

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